Tuesday 24 March 2015

I meet some hypnotized people

I am still in Yangzhou and I won't be in Jingzhou for another weeks, but I want to see more in Yangzhou so today I am going to a buddhist monastery today. I get to the monastery and I see bald people in orange robes. I had never seen a buddhist monastery before today and I am so surprised. I arrive a bit too late they are all chanting what seems to me like gibberish. They seemed to be in their own world away from all distractions, I feel like if I waved my hand right in front of them they would not even notice. Well, how would I know I’m not Buddhist. After about 20 more minutes the chant was over. But the real question was what was it like to be a buddhist monarch. After the were done chanting they invited me over and said they were going to the river to perform rituals. They brought me with them and the next thing I know is that they are burning roses and pouring water into the river. Why would they be doing that does, the river need more water. Now I had some questions to ask. The teacher (I think) has invited me into his room, I need to ask him a question. First, let me tell you about what  I am going to ask him. Since, the Sui dynasty is so new not many people are buddhist. The Sui dynasty converted to buddhism to justify imperial authority.
“So, why do you like buddhism,” I ask. “I like it because peace and harmony is the best way,” He said. So that’s it peace and harmony is the best way.           

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